Best gay sex toys unusual

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Special offer for Gear readers: Get a 1-year subscription to WIRED for $5 ($25 off). Updated May 2022: We added the Lelo Enigma, Coconu Lube, added a section on erogenous zones, removed the Lora DiCarlo Ose 2, Fun Factory Laya II, and adjusted prices. Still don't see anything you like? Be sure to check out our other bedroom-related guides on the Best Sounds for Sleep, the Best Mattresses, and the Best Sound Machines.

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The language on these products isn’t always gender-inclusive, but we approached testing with a gender-inclusive mindset, testing these with a variety of different genitals, bodies, and partners. There’s something here for everyone, every gender, and every body. These are some of our favorite sex toys, vibrators, smart vibrators, personal wand massagers, and accessories, all of which we’ve personally tested. There’s never a bad time to invest in a little extra self-care. They feature ultra-premium, surgical-grade silicone, robust Bluetooth connectivity, programmable vibration patterns, and multiple motors all designed to help you have a good time. Today's toys are designed by sex educators, medical professionals, and some of the world’s greatest sexperts. Gone are the days of clunky, pink plastic rabbit vibrators and sex toys that feel like knock-off action figures. Sex tech has come a long way in the past 10 years-not only in terms of cultural acceptance and awareness, but also technology.

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