The parade, led by Mama Guava, featured floats and costumed individuals who threw candy and beads to the spectators. Around dusk the Mama Guava Stumble Parade, Guavaween's most popular attraction, made its way down Seventh Avenue, the main street in Ybor. The daylight hours were family-oriented and in the past had included such activities as a costume contest, scavenger hunt, safe trick-or-treat at Centro Ybor, food and amusement rides. Since its inception more than 30 years ago, Guavaween became one of the largest festivals in Ybor. It was named after Tampa's nickname, ' The Big Guava'. Guavaween was an annual Latin-flavored Halloween celebration which took place on the last Saturday of October in the historic neighborhood of Ybor City on Tampa, Florida. JSTOR ( December 2007) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message).Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources.
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